Small Space Renovation

Small Space Renovation


Renovating a small space presents unique challenges, but it also offers an opportunity to get creative with design and functionality. This guide provides tips and ideas for maximizing the potential of compact living areas, ensuring that every inch is utilized effectively and stylishly.

Assessing Your Space

The first step in any small space renovation is to assess the area’s potential. Identify the primary function of the space – whether it’s for sleeping, working, entertaining, or a combination of these. Understanding how you intend to use the space will guide your design decisions and help prioritise what’s essential. At Beckett & Beckett we are always on hand to help and advise on how to make the best use of the space in your home.

Color Palette and Lighting

Light colors make a room feel larger and more open. Consider a palette of light neutrals, pastels, or whites. Mirrors can also create an illusion of more space by reflecting light. Good lighting is essential in small spaces – use a mix of overhead lighting, task lighting, and reflective surfaces to brighten the space effectively.

Smart Layouts and Room Dividers

Arranging your space smartly can greatly impact its functionality. In studio apartments or open-plan spaces, use furniture or room dividers to create distinct areas. This can help define different zones without the need for walls, keeping the space open and airy.

Space-Saving Design Features

Innovative space-saving design features can make a big difference. Consider wall beds that fold up when not in use, pull-out desks, or built-in benches with storage. In kitchens and bathrooms, compact appliances and fixtures tailored for small spaces can be both functional and stylish.

Utilising Outdoor Areas

If you have access to an outdoor area like a balcony or small patio, make the most of it. Outdoor spaces can serve as an extension of your indoor living area, especially when furnished thoughtfully. Use foldable or stackable furniture and vertical planters to maximize this space.

Utilizing Vertical Space

Vertical space is often underutilized in small homes. Use tall shelving units, wall-mounted cabinets, and hanging organizers to maximize storage. This approach not only frees up floor space but also draws the eye upward, creating a sense of height and openness.

Custom Storage Solutions

Customized storage is a game-changer in small spaces. Built-in units, under-bed storage, and bespoke closet organizers can provide a place for everything. This not only helps to keep the area tidy but also ensures that every square inch of the space is used efficiently.

Choosing the Right Furniture

Select furniture that fits the scale of your space. Pieces that can serve multiple purposes or can be easily moved and reconfigured are ideal. Wall-mounted or drop-leaf tables, nesting tables, and slim-profile furniture can be particularly effective in small spaces.

Decor and Personal Touches

Decorating a small space is about balance. Avoid clutter but don’t shy away from adding personal touches that make the space feel like home. Use a few well-chosen decor items, like artwork, rugs, and cushions, to add personality without overwhelming the space.


Renovating a small space requires a blend of creativity, functionality, and style. By carefully assessing your space, utilizing smart design principles, maximizing storage, making wise color and lighting choices, selecting appropriate furniture, and adding personal decor touches, you can transform a compact area into a comfortable and appealing home.

Remember to refer back to our Expert Home Renovation Guide for more ideas and tips as you embark on renovating your compact space.

Eco-Friendly Renovations


In an age where environmental consciousness is more important than ever, incorporating eco-friendly practices into home renovations is not just a trend but a responsibility. This guide focuses on sustainable renovation practices, helping you make choices that are kinder to the planet while creating a healthier living space for you and your family.

Understanding Sustainable Renovation

Sustainable renovation involves using materials and practices that have minimal negative impact on the environment. It includes choosing renewable and recyclable materials, ensuring energy efficiency, and minimizing waste. The goal is to create a space that not only looks good but also contributes to a healthier environment and can even save you money in the long run.

Choosing Eco-Friendly Materials

Start your eco-friendly renovation by selecting materials that are renewable, recyclable, and low in toxins. Bamboo flooring, recycled glass countertops, and reclaimed wood are excellent choices. Look for products with certifications like FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) for wood and low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) for paints and adhesives to ensure they meet environmental standards.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

One of the most impactful aspects of sustainable renovation is improving energy efficiency. Consider installing double-glazed windows, proper insulation, and energy-efficient appliances. These upgrades not only reduce your carbon footprint but also lower your energy bills significantly.

Water Conservation Measures

Water is a precious resource, and conserving it is a key aspect of eco-friendly renovations. Installing low-flow toilets, showerheads, and faucets can dramatically reduce water usage. If possible, consider systems like greywater recycling or rainwater harvesting for garden irrigation.

Green Building Practices

During the renovation process, aim to minimize waste and pollution. This can involve using less harmful construction methods, recycling debris, and choosing contractors who are committed to green building practices. Proper planning can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your renovation.

Smart Home Technologies

Incorporating smart home technology can enhance the sustainability of your home. Smart thermostats, energy-efficient lighting systems, and solar panels are excellent ways to reduce energy consumption. These technologies not only contribute to a sustainable home but also add convenience and modernity.

Landscaping and Outdoor Spaces

Sustainable landscaping is another important aspect. Use native plants that require less water and maintenance, and consider organic gardening practices. Creating outdoor spaces that encourage biodiversity can have a positive impact on the local ecosystem.


Eco-friendly home renovations are an excellent way to contribute to a sustainable future while creating a healthier living environment. By choosing the right materials, focusing on energy and water efficiency, adhering to green building practices, integrating smart technologies, and considering the impact of your landscaping, you can make a significant difference.

Refer back to our Expert Home Renovation Guide for more insights and tips. Embracing sustainability in your home renovation projects is not just a choice but a step towards a more responsible and environmentally conscious lifestyle.

Bathroom Makeover Magic


The bathroom is more than just a functional space; it’s a sanctuary where one starts and ends their day. A well-designed bathroom renovation can significantly enhance this experience, providing comfort, efficiency, and relaxation. This guide delves into contemporary bathroom renovation trends, offering ideas to inspire your next makeover.

Assessing Your Bathroom’s Needs

Begin by evaluating your current bathroom’s layout and functionality. Consider how the space is used and what improvements are needed. Do you need more storage, better lighting, or a more efficient layout? Understanding these requirements will help you make targeted changes that significantly impact your bathroom’s usability and appearance.

Modern Bathroom Design Trends

Contemporary bathroom design leans towards clean lines, minimalism, and a blend of functionality and luxury. Floating vanities, walk-in showers, and freestanding bathtubs are popular choices. Textured tiles, statement walls, and pops of color add visual interest. Consider incorporating these elements to create a bathroom that is both modern and timeless.

Efficient Layouts and Space Utilization

Maximizing space in the bathroom is crucial, especially in smaller homes. Consider a layout that optimizes each square foot. Wall-mounted fixtures, sliding doors, and corner sinks can save space. Thoughtful storage solutions like built-in shelves or mirrored cabinets help keep the area clutter-free and organised. Concealed shower bulkheads provide the opportunity to incorporate tiled storage recesses to display your shampoo and shower products – don’t forget to think about these things before it’s too late and your works have nearly finished.

Choosing Fixtures and Finishes

Selecting the right fixtures and finishes can transform your bathroom’s look and feel. Matte finishes for faucets and hardware are currently in vogue, offering a sophisticated touch. When choosing tiles, think about durability and ease of cleaning, along with aesthetics. Glass tiles or ceramic with interesting patterns can create a focal point and natural marble tiles create a feeling of luxury.

Lighting and Ventilation

Good lighting is essential in a bathroom. Combine task lighting for the vanity with ambient lighting to create a relaxing atmosphere. If you are using storage recesses in bulkheads then you can use hidden LED strips in these to good effect.  LED lights are a popular choice for their energy efficiency and longevity. Ventilation is equally important to prevent mold and ensure air quality. Consider an updated exhaust fan or a window for natural ventilation.

Sustainable and Smart Bathroom Features

Incorporating eco-friendly and smart technology can elevate your bathroom experience. Low-flow toilets and faucets reduce water usage, while energy-efficient lighting cuts down on electricity consumption. Smart mirrors with built-in lighting and demisting features, or voice-activated shower systems, can add a touch of modern convenience.

Personal Touches and Decor

Personalize your bathroom with unique decor elements that reflect your style. Artwork, plants, or a statement piece of furniture can add character. Choose accessories like bath mats, towels, and containers that complement your color scheme and design theme.


A bathroom renovation is a valuable investment in your home’s comfort and functionality. By incorporating modern design trends, efficient layouts, the right fixtures and finishes, thoughtful lighting and ventilation, eco-friendly features, and personal decor touches, you can create a bathroom that is not only functional but also a stylish retreat.

Remember to refer back to our Expert Home Renovation Guide for more ideas and tips as you embark on your bathroom renovation journey. With the right planning and design choices, your bathroom can become a beautiful and serene space that enhances your daily routine.

The Ultimate Guide to Kitchen Remodeling


The kitchen is often regarded as the heart of the home, a place where both meals and memories are made. From a  personal point of view it is where our family spend the majority of our time together whether enjoying supper together or discussing the day ahead at breakfast time. A well-thought-out kitchen remodelling can not only enhance the functionality and aesthetics of your space but can also significantly increase the value of your home. This guide will walk you through the latest trends and ideas in kitchen renovation, helping you design a space that’s both stylish and practical.

Understanding Your Kitchen’s Potential

Begin by assessing your kitchen’s layout. Consider how you use your space – is it just for cooking, or does it double as a dining or social area? Identifying these key aspects will help you determine the most important elements to focus on during the renovation, such as counter space, storage, or seating areas.

Current Trends in Kitchen Design

Today’s kitchen designs blend functionality with personal style. Open shelving, two-tone cabinets, and large central islands are increasingly popular. Incorporating smart appliances and hands-free faucets adds a modern touch, while natural materials like stone and wood bring warmth and texture. Think about how these trends can be adapted to suit your taste and needs.

Layout and Functionality

A functional layout is crucial for a successful kitchen renovation. Consider the ‘kitchen triangle’ concept, focusing on the placement of the sink, stove, and refrigerator. An island can serve as a central prep area, dining space, or additional storage. Customized storage solutions like pull-out shelves and spice racks can maximize space and efficiency.

Choosing Appliances and Materials

Select appliances that cater to your lifestyle and cooking habits. Energy-efficient models can offer long-term savings. When choosing materials, consider durability, maintenance, and aesthetic appeal. Quartz or corian countertops, for example, are both durable and stylish. For flooring, porcelain tiles or hardwood can offer both beauty and longevity.

Colour Scheme and Lighting

Colours set the mood of your kitchen. Neutral palettes offer timeless elegance, while bold colours can make a statement. Consider combining different textures and finishes for a layered look. Good lighting is essential; include a mix of task, ambient, and accent lighting to enhance the functionality and ambiance of the space. At Beckett & Beckett we are always happy to offer interior styling advice and help with choosing paint colours.

Smart Kitchen Integration

Smart kitchens are not just a trend; they’re about making daily life more convenient. From smart fridges that track your groceries to ovens you can control with your smartphone, technology can significantly enhance the functionality of your kitchen. Also, consider smart lighting systems and voice-activated devices for an added level of convenience.

Sustainable Choices

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in kitchen design. Choose energy-efficient appliances, sustainable materials like bamboo for cabinets and flooring, and consider a water-saving faucet. These choices not only reduce your environmental footprint but can also be cost-effective in the long run.


Your kitchen renovation is an opportunity to create a space that reflects your personal style while enhancing the functionality of your home. By considering the latest trends, focusing on a practical layout, choosing the right materials and appliances, incorporating smart technology, and making sustainable choices, you can design a kitchen that is both beautiful and practical.

Remember to refer back to our Expert Home Renovation Guide for more insights and tips. Whether you’re undertaking a full renovation or a simple update, these ideas can help you create a kitchen that you and your family will love for years to come.

Expert Home Renovation Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on home renovations. Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or a seasoned DIY enthusiast, this hub is your go-to resource for practical, innovative, and cost-effective home renovation tips.


Renovating your home can be a thrilling yet challenging journey. It’s not just about making aesthetic changes but also about enhancing the functionality and value of your living space. Our guide will navigate you through various aspects of home renovation, ensuring you make informed decisions every step of the way. Beckett & Beckett have years of experience in renovating and refurbishing properties in Edinburgh and hopefully this guide will inspire you to plan your own renovations. Contact us for a free consultation and quote for your works.

Budget-Friendly Home Renovation

Maximizing Impact with Minimal Spend – Learn how to renovate your home without breaking the bank. We’ll share tips on how to prioritize projects, find cost-effective materials, and manage your renovation budget efficiently.

Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations

Kitchen Remodeling: Trends and Ideas – The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home. Discover the latest kitchen renovation trends, from cabinetry styles to smart appliances.

Bathroom Makeover Magic: Contemporary Renovation Trends – Transform your bathroom into a personal oasis. We cover everything from efficient layouts to the latest in bathroom technology.

Sustainable Renovations

Eco-Friendly Renovations: Sustainable Practices for Your Home – Sustainability is key in today’s world. Learn how to incorporate eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient designs into your renovation projects.

Making the Most of Small Spaces

Small Space Renovation: Clever Tips for Compact Living Areas – Not all renovations require grand spaces. Find out how to maximize the potential of smaller living areas with smart, space-saving solutions.

Restoring Elegance: A Guide to Period Property Renovation in Edinburgh

Restoring Elegance: A guide to Period Property Renovation in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, a city steeped in history, is adorned with a tapestry of period properties that echo the grandeur of bygone eras. If you’re fortunate enough to own one of these historic gems and are considering a restoration journey, this guide is tailored to help you navigate the intricacies of period property renovation in the heart of Scotland.

Budget-Friendly Home Renovation


Renovating your home can be an exciting endeavor, but it often comes with the worry of overspending. However, with careful planning and smart choices, you can transform your space without draining your budget. This comprehensive guide aims to provide practical tips and strategies to achieve impressive home renovations while keeping your expenses in check.

Understand Your Renovation Goals

Before diving into any project, it’s crucial to define what you want to achieve. Are you renovating to improve functionality, increase your home’s value, or simply for aesthetic pleasure? Understanding your goals will help you prioritize tasks and allocate your budget more effectively. For example, if increasing home value is your goal, focus on renovations known for good return on investment, such as kitchen or bathroom updates.

Plan Your Budget Wisely

The cornerstone of any budget-friendly renovation is a well-planned budget. Start by outlining all anticipated expenses, including materials, labor, permits, and a contingency fund for unexpected costs. Tools like renovation calculators can provide ballpark figures, but always get multiple quotes from contractors for a more accurate estimate. This exercise not only helps in avoiding overspending but also in making cost-effective decisions throughout the project.

DIY Where Possible

DIY projects can significantly reduce labor costs. Simple tasks like painting, installing shelves, or minor landscaping can be done without professional help. However, it’s important to be realistic about your skills and the time you can commit. Safety is paramount, so leave electrical, plumbing, and structural work to the professionals.

Choose Cost-Effective Materials

You don’t have to compromise on quality when selecting materials. Opt for mid-range products that offer durability and aesthetic appeal without the premium price tag. For example, laminate countertops can mimic the look of granite at a fraction of the cost. Also, consider refurbished or gently used items for fixtures, furniture, and appliances. Salvage yards, online marketplaces, and discount stores can be treasure troves for budget-conscious renovators.

Prioritise High-Impact Projects

Focus on renovations that make a significant impact without requiring major investment. Updating light fixtures, door handles, and cabinet hardware can refresh a room’s appearance. Similarly, a fresh coat of paint, new curtains, or updated wall decor can make a space feel new. These small changes can collectively create a substantial difference in your home’s ambiance and aesthetic.

Shop Smart

Always be on the lookout for sales, clearance items, and bulk purchase discounts. Timing your purchases around sales seasons, like Black Friday or end-of-season clearances, can lead to significant savings. Additionally, negotiating with suppliers for a better deal is often overlooked but can be effective, especially for large orders.

Go Green to Save Green

Eco-friendly renovations not only contribute to a sustainable future but can also save you money in the long run. Energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and low-flow plumbing fixtures reduce utility bills. Insulation improvements and energy-efficient windows can also cut down on heating and cooling costs, proving that going green is both environmentally and financially smart.

Reuse and Recycle

Before you start tearing down walls and cabinets, consider what can be repurposed or refreshed. Refinishing existing cabinets, repainting old furniture, or reupholstering can give your home a new look without the cost of buying new. Additionally, repurposing materials not only saves money but also adds unique character to your home.


Embarking on a home renovation project with a limited budget doesn’t mean compromising on quality or aesthetics. By setting clear goals, planning your budget, embracing DIY, choosing cost-effective materials, prioritizing impactful projects, shopping smart, adopting green practices, and recycling what you already have, you can achieve a stunning home transformation without breaking the bank.

Remember to regularly refer back to our Expert Home Renovation Guide for more tips and ideas as you embark on your budget-friendly renovation journey. With creativity, planning, and resourcefulness, your dream home is well within reach, even on a budget.